Monday, November 8, 2010

Towards LFScript 4 v0.1

Let's take a look at some of the goals set for LFScript 4 v0.1:

The first two versions of LFScript had the instructions to create a (B)LFS system built into the main script. LFScript 3 changed that almost completely. Al tough the order in which to build LFS was still built in, every package was now contained in a separate script. A tool (written in Java) was then created to automatically generate these scripts from LFS and BLFS, so that the scripts could easily be updated without having to copy-paste everything by hand.

One of the goals of LFScript 4 is to have this tool (which was known as "AutoScripter") redesigned and rewritten, because since it's initial creation it has grown into a collection of hacks to keep it working with current versions of (B)LFS.

The first step into recreating AutoScripter has now been taken. The project has been renamed "ScriptFactory" and the usability of the tool has been improved. Also, I have decided to include a compiled copy of ScriptFactory and a third party tool called Avian (a compact, 1MB, Java Virtual Machine) with LFScript 4 so that those users that do not have Java installed may still be able to run ScriptFactory and any future LFScript project written in Java.

During further development of ScriptFactory, the Java based back-end will be replaced by a more generic XML parser and script writer and any (B)LFS related "hack" will be moved to patch files.

ScriptFactory (in it's current development state) will definitely be included in LFScript 4.0.1.

Stable BLFS scripts and Gnome
With the release of LFScript 4 v0.0 there has not been put much effort in updating ScriptFactory to produce stable BLFS scripts. I thought it to be more important to have an initial release now, rather than release a stable version next month.

So, now I am updating ScriptFactory and testing scripts more thoroughly. A major goal for v0.1 is to include stable scripts to build Gnome.

fsOS 2.0 Live CD
With stable BLFS scripts, I will be able to produce a new Live CD. The compiled operating system on the CD will be called "fsOS" (From Script Operating System), and it will carry version number 2.0 (because I will call the current LFScript-3.3 Live CD "fsOS 1.0").

So, when will LFScript 4 v0.1 be released? I don't know yet! If everything goes as planned it could be as soon as next Sunday...

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