Thursday, March 24, 2011

Passed SCJP

Today I passed the SCJP (or OCPJP, as it is now known) exam. This makes me a certified professional Java programmer.

Preparing for this exam caused some delays in updating LFScript to be able to work with LFS-6.8. However, I am happy to report that I will make up for the delay next week. By April 2nd, LFScript should be back on track:
  • A new video tutorial (Installing an LFS system) will be recorded in the next couple of days. This should complete the basic set of tutorials.
  • I'll be releasing an updated Live CD containing LFS-6.8 in both 32- and 64-bit, some programs, X and Gnome from BLFS (probably no version change and in 32-bit only).
  • VLC media player will be included in LFScript. A small but long awaited addition.

Also, if you have asked questions through Launchpad, here, or anywhere, I will be answering them in the next few days.

Unrelated to LFScript; I'm creating a web page for some of my Java based projects. Some of you might have seen some of it already, as it has been in development for some time. The "flagship" of these projects will be a Text User Interface inspired by Java's own Swing framework. Several other projects which will work nicely together with the TUI will be grouped together in a project I'm calling "Cabowter".

A custom font (based upon this one, but expanded to cover several universal character sets) from one of the Cabowter projects will also be included as the default text-mode font on the LFScript Live CD.

You're up to date.


  1. And if you are wondering; I passed with 96% correct (2 questions wrong, out of 60)...

  2. Hi, Im interested in building my own linux distribution for my community, I have come through a lot of project, including Linux from Scratch, and now this one Linux from Script,. Is there any chance to build a fully os under your script, and then Remaster - it on a iso file so everyone could install in their pc.. ? Thank you

  3. @Lokman LFScript does include the tools to build a Live CD, however there is not yet an installation wizard.
    Though it should not be much work to create a simple one.

    Maybe it's time I got to work on that...

  4. Thanks a lot for your reply, i hope you make it soon, so i can start working on my project, even though i should start reading more about Linux and stuff,.
