Functional changes
The most important functional change is the addition of the new LFClass library, which is now required for ./lfscript to run properly (because the new, fast and improved dependency resolution has been written in Java).This introduction of a Java based application into the core of LFScript will (hopefully) go unnoticed for most people, because two standalone executables (one for 32-bit and one for 64-bit) are included in the release, making the presence of a JVM entirely optional.
However, if you do experience problems, please file a bug on it.
A list of all code changes can be found in the changelog.
The road to LFScript 5
LFScript 4 will be used as a platform for the development of LFClass, which eventually will become the fifth rewrite of LFScript, warranting a version bump to 5.0.Because LFClass will be developed at the same time as LFScript 4 (gradually replacing LFScript 4 code with LFClass), version 5.0 will slowly come into existence, while previous version bumps where instantaneous.
While not all code has been replaced with Java, LFScript will keep a version number 4. Revision 7 includes LFScript 4 v0.4.
Legal changes
LFClass (which includes ScriptFactory) is released under the MIT (Expat) license. The license is short, simple, permissive and accurately describes how I currently feel my software should be used.However, the main application in LFScript ('./lfscript') will remain GPL licensed until all of it's contents have been remade in Java.
As all scripts generated from LFS and BLFS already were MIT licensed, you can deduce that in time all of LFScript will be MIT licensed.
(Note that the binaries included in revision 7 in 'lfc/build' are also subject to other licenses. Read 'lfc/binary-license.txt' for details)
Link to the latest version:
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